Products - EZGrid Ghost Grid Whiteboards

It takes 20 minutes to install a resurfacing panel — no drilling, no screwing,
nothing to do except peel and stick. That makes my job easier.
I love EVERWhite boards.
- Mike Meyers, Buildings & Grounds Manager

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Our EVERWhite dry erase board has truly added to the educational experience
the students in my room have every day!
- Cory Greene, Teacher

EZGrid Ghost Grid Whiteboards


gridded whiteboardEZGrid ghost pattern whiteboards from EVERWhite have watermarked grid patterns printed below the dry erase surface.
The grid patterns in the background help guide writing, drawing and designing, but are barely visible to anyone but the presenter.
These gridded whiteboards include:
• Gridded Whiteboards
• Ghost Dot Pattern Whiteboards
• Ghost Isometric Grid Whiteboards

The isometric pattern guides drawings that can have a 3-D appearance.
Each option is available with a one-inch or a two-inch grid pattern.
Because the ghost lines and patterns are printed below the non-porous dry erase surface, the images will never fade nor cause bumps.
Framing is anodized aluminum. The dry erase surface is guaranteed not to stain.

We offer double-sided mobile whiteboards with EZGrid ghost patterns on both sides. See our portable EZGrid boards.

Looking for boards with solid grid lines? See our Education Whiteboard selection.
